Aubrey Independent School District and Pilot Point Independent School District High School students attended the weekly Rotary meeting on February 11 as our Seniors of the Month. |
Jan. 21: Brian Glenn, Shelter BoxThis week at Rotary, we welcomed Brian Glenn, a Rotarian and representative of Shelter Box. Shelter Box is a Rotarian organization that helps to provide emergency non-food supplies for those displaced by disaster or conflict. During the meeting, Rotary President Whitney Delcourt presented Shelter Box with a $1,000 donation from the Lake Ray Roberts Rotary Club. ![]() |
Dec. 17: FEMA TourSee below for images of our FEMA Tour on Dec. 17! Thank you to tour guide Earl Armstrong for guiding us through the facility, and to Shane Kading and Linda Bullwinkle for setting up for our club members to attend.
Dec. 10: Senior TuesdayPilot Point Independent School District High School students attended the weekly Rotary meeting on December 10 as our Seniors of the Month. ![]() Pictured are Pilot Point ISD Superintendent Dr. Shannon Fuller, Pilot Point High School Principal Marcia Infante, Seniors Erika Rodriguez and Brandon Gutierrez, Pilot Point High School Counselor Teana Coffman and Rotary President Whitney Delcourt. |
Dec. 3: Toys for Tots Coordinator Linda DavisThis week, we had Linda Davis, our local coordinator for Toys for Tots, attend our meeting to talk about this program and how it impacts our local community. Linda was also supported by our own Rotarian Shawn Dollar, who heads up distribution for Pilot Point and Aubrey! ![]() Pictured are: Toys for Tots #1 Elf Jim Hutchins, Rotarian and local Toys for Tots volunteer Shawn Dollar, Rotary President-Elect Penni Moening, Rotary President Whitney Delcourt, guest Kay Elvrum and Toys for Tots Volunteer Vicky Aulie.
Nov. 19: Rowland Funk, Shepherd's StorehouseAt November 19th's meeting, Rotarian Rowland Funk gave a presentation on the impact of local food bank Shepherd's Storehouse on our community. ![]() The Club also elected to make a $1,000 donation to the Shepherd's Storehouse! Pictured are: Penni Moening, Maureen Haverty, Michele Sanchez, Shawn Dollar, Whitney Delcourt, Dick Bullwinkle, Linda Bullwinkle, Brian Murrell, Rowland Funk, Don Richmond, Chad Major, Lee Millikin, Britt Lusk, Monica David, Evon Lusk and Jerry Alford.
Nov. 12: Senior TuesdayAubrey Independent School District and Pilot Point Independent School District High School students attended the weekly Rotary meeting on November 12 as our Seniors of the Month. |
Oct. 8: Senior TuesdayAubrey Independent School District and Pilot Point Independent School District High School students attended the weekly Rotary meeting on October 9 as our Seniors of the Month. |
Sept. 24: Bruce Schultz, Disaster Aid USAAt the Sept. 24 meeting, we were joined by Bruce Schultz, chair of the Rotary 5790 Disaster Aid USA unit, along with Richard Hawker, who spoke about their efforts during our severe weather on Memorial Day weekend, and how our club can help moving forward. |
Sept. 17: Main Street Director Wendy HaunAt the Sept. 17 meeting, our own Rotarian Wendy Haun joined us to tell us all about events on the Square this fall and how the Rotary can join in with those events! ![]() |
Lake Ray Roberts Rotary WorkshopsOver the past several weeks, our club has taken to heart the work plan laid out by District Governor Andy Eads and is preparing to apply those ideas to our club to increase membership, attendance and projects to benefit our community.
August 20: Rotary 5790 District Governor Andy EadsAt this week's Rotary meeting, our District Governor Andy Eads stopped by to tell us about #TheMagicOfRotary, share his Rotary story and offer some insights into the District's goals for the upcoming Rotary year. ![]() |
August 6: Madison Houck with RYLAThis week, Aubrey junior Madison Houck came to our club to talk about her time with RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards). Madison attended the leadership development program at Texas Woman's University from June 27-30. ![]() Madison with Immediate Past President Shane Kading
Cindy Kennedy with City Center ChurchesThis week, our own Rotarian Cindy Kennedy was the guest speaker at Rotary! Cindy spoke about her work with City Center Churches, which has been working to help underserved communities in Pilot Point for the past four years. ![]() |
July 23: Aubrey ISD Superintendent Dr. Shannon SaylorAt our July 23 meeting, we had Dr. Shannon Saylor, new superintendent of Aubrey ISD, speak about the upcoming school year and improvements within the district. ![]() Pictured (from left to right): Rotarian Dick Bullwinkle, Rotary President Whitney Delcourt, Dr. Shannon Saylor, Immediate Past President Shane Kading and Rotarian Brian Murrell.
June 18: Interim Police Chief Charles KimbleAt this week's Rotary meeting, we were joined by Charles Kimble, the Interim Police Chief for the Pilot Point Police Department and a member of the Killeen Rotary Club. Chief Kimble has taken the reins while the Police Department conducts a search for a permanent replacement, and spoke of his love of Community Policing and his background in police work across three states. ![]() |
May 21: Jenna Glass, Library DirectorAt this week's Rotary meeting, we were joined by Jenna Glass, the new Library Director for the Pilot Point Community Library. Jenna discussed changes at the Library and offered information regarding the Library's Summer Reading Program, set to launch May 31. ![]() Pictured (from left to right): Rotarian Whitney Delcourt, Library Director Jenna Glass, Rotarians Elizabeth Jones, Brian Murrell, Jerry Alford and Evon Lusk. |
May 14: Sara Konz, Kainos Community CrossFitAt this week's Rotary meeting, we were joined by Sara Konz, a personal trainer at Kainos Community CrossFit, to discuss Kainos offerings to the community, the senior population and their growth in their two years of business. ![]() Pictured (from left to right): Rotarian Whitney Delcourt, Rotary President Shane Kading, Sara Konz, Rotarians Don Richmond, Penni Moening, Evon Lusk, Elizabeth Jones and Jerry Alford. |
May 7: Aubrey City Manager Charles KreidlerAt our weekly Rotary meeting on May 7, our club was joined by Aubrey City Administrator Charles Kreidler, who gave an update on the growth Aubrey is experiencing and overall updates for the City. ![]() Pictured (from left to right): Rotarians Whitney Delcourt and Dick Bullwinkle, Aubrey Fire Chief Eric Schlotter and Aubrey City Administrator Charles Kreidler, Rotarian Erin Bogar, Kreidler's assistant Riley Podleski and Rotarian Cindy Kennedy. |
April 23: Denton County JudgesAt our weekly Rotary meeting on April 23, our club was joined and heard insights from several judges that serve Denton County in the Criminal and Probate Courts. ![]() Pictured (from L to R): Ron Marchant (retired Denton County Commissioner), Rotarian Shawn Dollar, Probate Court #2 Judge Chris Everett, Rotarian Elizabeth Jones, Criminal Court #2 Judge Susan Piel, County Court at Law #1 Judge Kimberly McCray, Criminal Court #1 Judge Lauri Ragland, County Court at Law #2 Judge Robert Ramirez, Probate Court #1 Judge David Jahn and Rotary Club President Shane Kading.
April 16: Rotary Training MeetingMembers of the Lake Ray Roberts Rotary Club gathered for a working luncheon this week at Pilot Point Coffee House to discuss the technology available on our website and the Helping with Flags website. ![]() |
April 9: Senior TuesdayAubrey Independent School District and Pilot Point Independent School District High School students attended the weekly Rotary meeting on April 9 as our Seniors of the Month. |
April 2: Mike ThompsonRotarian Mike Thompson gave the presentation for the April 2 meeting. Thompson, who works as a Nationwide Insurance agent, spoke about the factors leading to the recent increase in personal insurance rates, including climate change and natural disasters, increasing costs in homes due to cost of construction and supplies, and other factors. Thank you, Mike, for sharing your expertise with us! |
March 26: Dwayne EdwardsThank you, Dwayne Edwards, for giving your powerful words on service to community! #wearerotary ![]() Pictured (left to right) are Rotarians Dick Bullwinkle, Everett Cummings, Chad Major, Gina Webber, Whitney Delcourt, Rotary President Shane Kading, Dwayne Edwards, Penni Moening, Don Richmond and Erin Bogar. |
March 5: Senior TuesdayAubrey Independent School District and Pilot Point Independent School District High School students attended the weekly Rotary meeting on March 5 as our Seniors of the Month. ![]() (from left to right) Rotarian Elizabeth Jones, Pilot Point HS Principal Jason Crow, Pilot Point students Addison Hite, Sydney Acevedo and Madisyn Pelzel, Rotarian Dick Bullwinkle, Rotary President Shane Kading, Aubrey Students Landon Martino and Laney Lomas, Rotarian Mike Thompson, Aubrey HS Principal Brent Phipps and Rotarian Erin Bogar. |
February 27: Social LuncheonWe had a great time connecting as a club and having a social meeting this past Tuesday. Thanks to Nick's Italian Restaurant for hosting us! ![]() |
February 20: Lovepacs Club Work DayOur club conducted a Work Day to pack donation boxes for Lovepacs Aubrey, one of our benefit local charitable organizations. Our members donated food to fill 10 boxes to go to children and families in need in our area. ![]() |
February 13: Senior TuesdayAubrey Independent School District and Pilot Point Independent School District High School students attended the weekly Rotary meeting on February 13 as our Seniors of the Month. |
January 30: Disaster Aid USAAt the January 30 Rotary Meeting, Bruce Schultes and Richard Hawker attended the meeting to tell our club about Disaster Aid USA, a Rotary-based organization offering additional aid when natural disasters hit. DAUSA goal is to build a significant humanitarian aid organization that provides immediate relief to those victims when disasters strike. DAUSA is not a First Responder. Its role is “Mucking and Gutting”, tarping roofs, chain-sawing, debris removal, helping prep meals, cooking, etc. DAUSA prides itself on being transparent, accountable with the objects of Rotary as its Foundation. The Lake Ray Roberts Rotary Club is proud to support this organization. Learn how you can help by donating or volunteering. ![]() (From left to right) Rotarian Don Richmond, Disaster Aid USA Technical Director Richard Hawker, Disaster Response Committee Chair Bruce Schultes, Rotarians Whitney Delcourt, Michele Sanchez, Penni Moening, Elizabeth Jones, Erin Bogar, Gina Webber, Dick Bullwinkle, Mike Thompson and Rotary President Shane Kading.
January 23: Stop the BleedThank you to Assistant Fire Chief Bryan Cox for attending our Rotary Meeting on January 23 for the informative presentation titled "Stop the Bleed". This presentation was designed for civilians to assist those who have suffered a traumatic injury until paramedics are able to arrive. ![]() (from left to right): Guest Everett Cummings, Rotarians Don Richmond, Whitney Delcourt, Elizabeth Jones, Assistant Chief Bryan Cox, Parademics Dustin Holt and Ryan Crow and Rotarians Penni Moening, Gina Webber, Lenette Cox and Jerry Alford. See below for our Rotarians receiving hands-on training with Pilot Point Fire Department!
January 9: Senior TuesdayAubrey Independent School District students attended the weekly Rotary meeting on January 9 as our seniors of the month. ![]() Colby Hendricks started at Aubrey as a freshman and participated in football, track and powerlifting before shifting his focus academically. He has been a part of the UIL Competitive Journalism team, serves as Beta President and is in the National Honor Society. He plans to enter the Army to train as a combat medic before going to nursing school to pursue a degree to work as an ER nurse. Kate Fetters is also in Beta and serves Aubrey High in Senior Leadership, volunteering with blood drives and at the nursing home. She was First Team All District as a first baseman for Aubrey softball, and is on the golf team as well. She plans to attend Tarleton State to get her BSN degree and become a labor and delivery nurse. Colby and Kate are pictured with Aubrey Counselor Lisa Griffin, Rotary past president Abigail Allen and Aubrey Vice Principal Pamela Foster. |
December 12: Senior TuesdayAubrey Independent School District and Pilot Point Independent School District High School students attended the weekly Rotary meeting on December 12 as our seniors of the month.
November 21: Julie AmrstrongAt the November 21 Rotary meeting, Julie Armstrong spoke about her journey to become healthier and shared tips on how to start a wellness journey with our Club, just in time for the holidays! ![]() Pictured are: Rotarian Dick Bullwinkle, Whitney Delcourt, LizzyGator owner Elizabeth Jones, Julie Armstrong, Penni Moening, Michele Sanchez, Don Richmond, Jerry Alford, Erin Bogar and Honorary / future Rotarian Nyjah!. #wearerotary |
October 24: David GoldenAt the October 24 Rotary meeting, David Golden spoke regarding his observations of working for Homeland Security and the threats to the United States, both at home and abroad. Thank you, David, for taking the time to be at our Rotary meeting! ![]() Pictured are: Rotarian Evon Lusk, Club President Shane Kading, LizzyGator venue owner Elizabeth Jones, speaker David Golden and Rotarian Dwayne Edwards.
October 10: Senior TuesdayAubrey Independent School District and Pilot Point Independent School District High School students attended the weekly Rotary meeting on October 10 as our seniors of the month.
September 26: Jason PoncioThank you this week to City of Pilot Point Parks Director Jason Poncio for speaking to our club about the current parks and the future of outdoor recreation and activities in Pilot Point! |
September 19: Wendy HaunThank you this week to our own Rotarian Wendy Haun for speaking at our meeting! Wendy got our club up to date on the city events happening this fall on the Square, including Bonnie & Clyde Days and Christmas on the Square, as well as informing us about the other private events the city has lined up, such as Pilot Point Oktoberfest and Fall Fest. |
September 12: Senior TuesdayAubrey High School students attended the weekly Rotary meeting on September 12 as our seniors of the month. Lexie Ermey spoke of her love of the theater and film production, encouraged by her hometown hero, her grandma. She hopes to attend UPenn or UNT next year. Brody Burton talked about his faith as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and will be applying to Harvard and Yale in hopes of obtaining his J.D. Posing with them are Rotary Club President Shane Kading and Aubrey High School principal Brett Phipps. ![]() |
August 29: Kailey EberlingThank you to Kailey Eberling of The Little Piglet Bakery and Starbright Music and Performing Arts for coming to today's Rotary meeting to discuss your local businesses!
July 25: Committee / Club Work DayRead on about the Lake Ray Roberts Club Work Day!
PPHS Students of MonthPilot Point High School students honored as seniors of the month for February by the Rotary were Angela Casillo and Hunter Kulesz. Posing with them are PPHS Principal Todd Southard and Rotary Club President Linda Bullwinkle. |
Pilot Point High School seniors of the monthPilot Point High School students Alex Reeder and Kassidi Tidwell were honored as seniors of the month for January by Lake Ray Roberts Rotary Club. Standing with the students are Linda Bullwinkle, president of the club, and Tammy Niemczyk, assistant principal at the high school. |
AHS Students of the Month-JanuaryAubrey High School students Taylor Freeman and Wylie Dyer were named seniors of the month for January by Lake Ray Roberts Rotary Club. Standing with the students are Linda Bullwinkle, president of the club, and Matt Gore, AHS principal. |
Jeff ChristieJeff Christie, who owns Christie's Golf Ranch in Pilot Point, talked to the Rotary Club on Feb. 5 about his plans to expand his driving range to a nine-hole, par three golf course in June. Christie discussed the importance of golf in his life and how operating his own course began when he was an 8-year-old boy. |
Children's Advocacy CenterMichelle Rocha, events and community outreach coordinator for the Children's Advocacy Center for Denton County, did a presentation about the center at the Jan. 15 Rotary meeting. The center is constructing a new building for its operations. |
PPHS seniors honoredPilot Point High School students Garrett True and Kimberly Burns were honored as the seniors of the month by the Lake Ray Roberts Rotary Club in December. Standing with them are PPHS Principal Todd Southard and Rotary Club President Linda Bullwinkle.
AHS Seniors honoredAubrey High School students Addison Flick and Ethan Coppedge were honored at seniors of the month by the Rotary Club in December. Standing with them are AISD Superintendent David Belding, Rotary Club President Linda Bullwinkle and AHS Principal Matt Gore. |
PPISD staffers honoredThe Rotary Club honored two Pilot Point ISD employees at its November meeting. Shown here are Dorcas Boerner, second on left, library aide at Pilot Point High School, and Dee Ann Annett, middle right, instructional coach at Pilot Point Intermediate School. Pictured with them are Tammy Morgan, district executive director of instructional services, PPHS Principal Todd Southard and PPISD Superintendent Dan R. Gist. |
Aubrey Seniors of Month-OctoberAubrey High School students Lauren Knapp, left, and Kye Ranton, center, were recognized by the Rotary Club as seniors of the month for October. Standing with them are AISD Superintendent David Belding, left, AHS Principal Matt Gore and Club President Linda Bullwinkle. |
Aubrey seniors of the Month-NovemberAubrey High School students Megan Childs and Brenden Hough were recognized as seniors of the month at the November Rotary Club meeting. Standing with them are AHS Principal Matt Gore and AISD Superintendent David Belding. |
Pilot Point Seniors of the Month-NovemberPilot Point High School students Hud Morgan, center, and Kenedee Gist, right, were honored as seniors of the month for November by the Rotary Club. Standing with them are PPHS Principal Todd Southard, Tammy Morgan (Hud's mother) and Dan. R. Gist, Kenedee's father and Rotary Club member. |
Seniors of the MonthThe Lake Ray Roberts Rotary Club recognized Pilot Point High School students Preslie Box, Claire Sitzes, Mason Sheppard and Ethan Blythe as seniors of the month for September and October. Standing with them is Dick Bullwinkle, past president of the Lake Ray Roberts Rotary Club. |
RYLA seniorAnnie Braack, left, a senior at Pilot Point High School, spoke about her experiences at the Rotary Youth Leadership Academy meeting this summer during a September meeting of the Lake Ray Roberts Rotary Club. Students learn about leadership at the RYLA meeting. Standing with Braack is PPISD Superintendent Dan R. Gist. |
Rotary honors school district employeesThe Lake Ray Roberts Rotary Club honored Cole Warren, Pilot Point Intermediate School counselor, and Ann Smith, receptionist at Pilot Point High School, as employees of the month during its meeting on Sept. 11. Shown here also are club president Luke Olson and PPISD Superintendent Dan R. Gist.
Rotary honors high school seniorThe Lake Ray Roberts Rotary Club honored Aubrey High School senior Luke Sciba as the senior of the month at its meeting Sept. 11. Standing with him are AHS Principal Matt Gore, club president Luke Olson and Aubrey ISD Superintendent David Belding.
Pilot Point Bond IssuePilot Point City Manager Alan Guard discusses the Pilot Point $9.5 million bond issue at the Rotary Club meeting on Aug. 21. In November, voters in that city will decide on propositions regarding public buildings (fire and police), streets, sidewalks and drainage. Guard gave an informational talk on the matter. |
Housing Market in North Texas |
Pilot Point High School band directorPilot Point High School band director Dan Balkema talks to the Rotary Club about the benefits of a high school band program on July 24. Students learn life skills, such as team work, as well as an appreciation for the fine arts through participation in band, he said. Balkema talked about the many activities band does in addition to playing at football games.
District Governor visits Lake Ray Roberts RotaryGerald Robinson, District Governor for Rotary District 5790, left, congratulates Ric Sadler, Linda Bullwinkle and Jerry Alford on their service to the club. Robinson visited on July 17 and did a presentation on the benefits of being a Rotarian.
Soil TalkLake Ray Roberts Rotary Club member Lee Millikin gave a presentation on soils at the Rotary Club's meeting on July 10.
Denton County Judge Mary Horn Denton County Judge Mary Horn discusses her achievements as county judge during a visit to the Lake Ray Roberts Rotary Club on June 26. Horn announced last year she would not seek another term as the county judge. She has served since 2002. |
Flags on the FourthLake Ray Roberts Rotary Club member Jerry Alford puts the final touches on ensuring an American flag is steady on The Square in Pilot Point on July 2. Rotary Club members post flags around the holidays. |
Hugh Coleman visits RotaryDenton County Commissioner Precinct 1 Hugh Coleman talked to the Lake Ray Roberts Rotary Club about road projects in the county and the future of Dallas North Tollway on June 12. Coleman told Rotarians that the expansion of U.S. 377 from two to six lanes is a dozen years away from construction. Photo courtesy of Abigail Allen, Pilot Point Post-Signal. |
Aubrey ISD PD ProgramLake Ray Roberts Rotary Club member and Past President Dick Bullwinkle, right, asks a question to Aubrey ISD PD Chief Scott Collins, standing, during a presentation about school security May 22 to the Rotary Club. The school district's police department added two officers in May and continues to look for ways to make the campuses safer, Collins said.
Rotary Service |
Teacher of the Month-AprilLake Ray Roberts Rotary club honored Pilot Point High School ag teacher Blake Hesteande as the teacher of the month for April. Standing with Hesteande are Shawn Dollar, club president, and club member and PPISD Superintendent Dan R. Gist.
Rotary Seniors-AprilLake Ray Roberts Rotary Club honored Pilot Point High School seniors Ty Hellman, Kailey Armstrong and Alyssa Mendoza at a meeting on April 10. Pictured here are Shawn Dollar, club president, left, and Dan R. Gist, Pilot Point ISD superintendent. Congrats, seniors of the month!
Rotarians assist at Trash-offRotarians Shawn Dollar and Whitney Delcourt braved chilly temperatures to help pick up trash along U.S. 377 during Pilot Point's annual Trash-off day on April 7. Volunteers picked up nearly 100 bags of trash around town. Also, people could contribute to the cleanup and recycle day by donating old electronic items that were picked up on The Square. Good job, everybody!
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Ryan Brown, Talley Land DevelopmentRyan Brown, president of Talley Land Development, talked to the Lake Ray Roberts Rotary Club Tuesday, April 3, at Moms on Main in Aubrey. Brown discussed his company and other goings-on in the area in the way of growth.
Last Meeting in Pilot PointTuesday's Lake Ray Roberts Rotary Club meeting (March 26) at the Whistle Post Brewery in Pilot Point will be the last at the brewery as the club will start meeting April 3 at Moms on Main, 204 S. Main St. in Aubrey.
Aubrey Character EducationBrockett Elementary School Principal Kari Abrams prepares to give a presentation on the Aubrey school's character education efforts at the Rotary meeting on March 20. The school has won National and Texas School of Character awards. Abrams explained to Rotary members that character education functions more as a culture rather than a program at the school.
Rotary First Responders-FebruaryThe Lake Ray Roberts Rotary Club honored Justin Davis of the Pilot Point Fire Department and Cpl. John Gardner of the Pilot Point Police Department as the first responders for the month of February. Our thanks to Davis and Gardner for all they do to serve and protect our community! Shown with Davis are Rotary member Ric Sadler and Assistant Fire Chief Bryan Cox, and shown with Gardner are Police Chief Tim Conner and Sadler. ![]() ![]() |
Police Officer and Firefighter of the Year AwardsThe Lake Ray Roberts Rotary Club was pleased to present awards at the annual Pilot Point Chamber of Commerce Banquet. We present an award for the Police Officer of the Year and the Firefighter of the Year. Recipients are selected by their departments. Congratulations to Cpl. Robert Powell receiving the Police Officer of the Year award and to Ryan Burda receiving the Firefighter of the Year award! Thank you for all you do to serve and protect our community! ![]() ![]() |
PPISD Staff Member of the MonthWe were honored to have the Pilot Point ISD staff member of the month as our guest at our February 13th weekly meeting. We honor and recognize the teachers and staff at Pilot Point ISD. The teacher/staff members of the month are selected by the Pilot Point ISD. We support and appreciate the teachers and staff at all of our local schools. This months staff member of the month is Angie Price. Angie is the Administrative Assistant to the PPHS Principal, the Administrative Assitant to the Athletic Director and the Health Office Aide at Pilot Point High School. ![]() |
February Seniors of the Month We enjoyed having our February Rotary Seniors as our guests for our February 13th weekly meeting. Our Rotary Seniors for the month of February were Madi Hollar and Dani Medina. Each year, in May, the Lake Ray Roberts Rotary club will select two Pilot Point High School Seniors to receive a $1,500 scholarship. Each month two seniors are selected from Pilot Point High School as the Seniors of the month. Each senior shared a bit about who they were, what their school activities are and their plans for the future. Congratulations to Madi and Dani! ![]() |
January Seniors of the Month We enjoyed having our January Rotary Senior as our guests for our January 16th weekly meeting. Our Rotary Seniors for the month of January were Hannah Hokit and Connor Walker. Each year, in May, the Lake Ray Roberts Rotary club will select two Pilot Point High School Seniors to receive a $1,500 scholarship. Each month two seniors are selected from Pilot Point High School as the Seniors of the month. Each senior shared a bit about who they were, what their school activities are and their plans for the future. Congratulations to Hannah and Connor! ![]() |
Inclement Weather Notice In the event of any inclement weather, the Lake Ray Roberts Rotary Club will follow the guidance of the Pilot Point ISD in regards to closings. If the PPISD is closed tomorrow, then our regular scheduled meeting tomorrow will be cancelled. This will apply to any weather-related events in the future as well. ![]() |
December Rotary Seniors We enjoyed having the PPISD Staff members of the month and our December Rotary Senior as our guests for our December 12th weekly meeting. Our Rotary Seniors for the month of December were Alyssa Clowdus and Jael Landaverde. Each year, in May, the Lake Ray Roberts Rotary club will select two Pilot Point High School Seniors to receive a $1,500 scholarship. Each month two seniors are selected from Pilot Point High School as the Seniors of the month. Each senior shared a bit about who they were, what their school activities are and their plans for the future. We also were honored to have Susan Roth- from Pilot Point Middle School and Meredith Crouch from the Pilot Point Elementary and Intermediate Schools. We have great students, teachers, and staff at Pilot Point ISD! Congratulations! ![]() ![]() |
Hometown Hero from AubreyThe Lake Ray Roberts Rotary Club is continuing to honor the first responders this year. We are calling them our "Hometown Heroes". The first responders are selected by their departments. The Lake Ray Roberts Rotary Club honored the first responders from Aubrey at our November 28th meeting. Our Hometown Hero is Aubrey Police Officer, RyanMcLearen, pictured with Aubrey Police Chief, Tommy Payne and retired Chief Ric Sadler. Congratulations and thank you for all you do for our local communities! ![]() |
District Governor VisitWe were honored today to have our 2017-2018 District Governor, Christopher J McLucas, for the Rotary District 5790. Rotary District 5790 is composed of 71 Rotary Clubs across the North Central Plains area of Texas. Governor McLucas gave a fantastic presentation about Rotary International and our District, 5790. He shared with us about some of the wonderful projects of our District and the Rotary Foundation. He encouraged us in our current efforts to make a difference in our community and around the world. In honor of his visit our club gave $100 to the Phased In matching grant project. You can find more information on the project here Thank you, Governor McLucas! ![]() |
November Seniors and PPISD Staff of the MonthWe enjoyed having the PPISD Staff members of the month and our November Rotary Senior as our guests for our November 7th weekly meeting. Our Rotary Seniors for the month of November were Sarai Alejos and Evan Billmeier. Each year, in May, the Lake Ray Roberts Rotary club will select two Pilot Point High School Seniors to receive a $1,500 scholarship. Each month two seniors are selected from Pilot Point High School as the Seniors of the month. Each senior shared a bit about who they were, what their school activities are and their plans for the future. We also were honored to have Clint Johnson- Social Studies and Science teacher at Pilot Point Intermediate School and Kelly Gist- a kindergarten teacher at Pilot Point Elementary School. We have great students, teachers and staff at Pilot Point ISD! Congratulations!
Dictionaries to 3rd GradersOn Tuesday, October 17 members of the Lake Ray Roberts Rotary club gave Pilot Point Intermediate 3rd grade students dictionaries. The Lake Ray Roberts Rotary Club presents dictionaries to the 3rd-grade students at Pilot Point and Tioga Schools. The dictionaries are free to the students and they are their own to take home and use. We presented the dictionaries to the students at Pilot Point Intermediate this past Tuesday. Our rotary club has joined in The Dictionary Project ( The goal of The Dictionary Project is to ensure that everyone will be able to enjoy the benefits of owning a dictionary. Dictionaries are presented at third grade as educators have identified it as the dividing line between learning to read and reading to learn. It a joy to see the kids faces as they receive their dictionaries and write their name in them. ![]() |
October Rotary Senior and PPISD StaffWe enjoyed having the PPISD Staff members of the month and our October Rotary Senior as our guests for our October 10 weekly meeting. Madi Hollar was one of our PPHS seniors that attended the Rotary Youth Leadership program this summer and is our October Rotary Senior of the month. Madi shared with us how much she enjoyed and learned at RYLA camp this summer and her appreciation for the opportunity to participate. We also were honored to have Ann Smith- PPHS receptionist and Amy Cooper PPIS 4th grade teacher. We have great students, teachers and staff at Pilot Point ISD! Congratulations!
September Rotary SeniorsWe enjoyed having our September Rotary Seniors of the month as our guests Tuesday, September 19th, at our weekly meeting. Each year, in May, the Lake Ray Roberts Rotary club will select two Pilot Point High School Seniors to receive a $1,500 scholarship. Each month two seniors are selected from Pilot Point High School as the Seniors of the month. Each senior shared a bit about who they were, what their school activities are and their plans for the future. It is always a delight for our club to hear from these outstanding seniors each month. Congratulations to Maria Torres and Sara Wooten! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Hometown Heroes from Oak PointThe Lake Ray Roberts Rotary Club is continuing to honor the first responders this year. We are calling them our "Hometown Heroes". The first responders are selected by their departments. The Lake Ray Roberts Rotary Club honored the first responders from Oak Point at our September 12th meeting. Hometown Heroes are Travis Wells, Oak Point Fire Department, and Andrew McFarlin, Oak Point PD. Congratulations and thank you for all you do for our local communities! ![]() |
Miss Texas TeenWe enjoyed so much having Justice Thompson speak with us on Tuesday. She was recently crowned Miss Texas Teen in Dallas as a part of the National American Miss organization. Justice is an incoming senior at Aubrey High School and is the daughter of Mike and Liberty Thompson. She will now compete at the national level in California, representing Texas. Good luck Justice! The Lake Ray Roberts Rotary Club is cheering for you! ![]() |
Passing the Gavel"Passing the Gavel" In July we installed our new Lake Ray Roberts Rotary Club President, Shawn Dollar as Dick Bullwinkle passes the gavel. Dick Bullwinkle will be our Immediate Past-President as John Dean our previous president relocated outside our community. We begin our new Rotary Year July 2017- July 2018. Current 2017-2018 Lake Ray Roberts Rotary Club officers are: Shawn Dollar- President Luke Olson- President-Elect Lenette Cox- Secretary Don Richmond- Treasurer Dick Bullwinkle- Immediate Past President ![]() |
Officer of the MonthThe Lake Ray Roberts Rotary Club has been honoring local First Responders in our area this year. The first responders are selected by their departments. The Lake Ray Roberts Rotary Club honored Mark White as Officer of the Month. Mark is with the Northeast Police Department. Congratulations and thank you for all you do for our local communities! ![]() |
Honoring Our Local First RespondersThe Lake Ray Roberts Rotary Club has been honoring local First Responders in our area this year. The first responders are selected by their departments. The Lake Ray Roberts Rotary Club honored EMS Lt. Matt Lollar with the Aubrey Fire Department and Cpl. Stacie Nierste with the Aubrey Police Department at the May 23rd meeting. Congratulations and thank you for all you do for our local communities! ![]() |
Flag Program Kicks Off![]() Happy Memorial Day Weekend from the Lake Ray Roberts Rotary Club! Our Show Your Colors Flag Program has officially begun with the first set of flags being set out for Memorial Day Weekend. We appreciate all who participate in this program as we show our colors in our community. If you are interested in having flags set out for the rest of the year please send in a form with payment and we'd be glad to set out flags at your place on our next flag day which will be June 14th. Click here for the Show Your Colors Flag Program Information. We wish you all a safe and enjoyable Memorial Day Weekend! We also want to take time to remember and honor those in our military who have lost their lives giving us our freedoms. ![]() Rotarian Ric Sadler placing flags out around the Pilot Point Square |
Congratulations to our 2017 Rotary Senior Scholarship RecipientsCongratulations to our 2017 Rotary Senior Scholarship recipients: Madison Shaw and Kyle Roth! The winners were announced at the Pilot Point Rosecutting Ceremony and presented by the Lake Ray Roberts Rotary president, John Dean. We had a terrific selection of candidates from Pilot Point High School! We wish them all well in their future endeavours. Congratulations again to Madison Shaw and Kyle Roth! Congratulations to the Class of 2017! Our future is bright! ![]() |
May Teachers/Staff of the MonthThis year the Lake Ray Roberts Rotary Club has been honoring the Pilot Point ISD Teacher/Staff of the month. Each month the Pilot Point ISD selects Teachers or Staff that have gone above and beyond to assist the school district in its pursuit of excellence. The Rotary Club is now honoring those selected with a meal and certificate. For the month of May, the teachers/staff of the month were Darla Wooten, instructional literacy coach at Pilot Point Intermediate School and Jason Mundkowski, with PPISD Maintenance. Congratulations! We appreciate your work in the Pilot Point schools. |
Thank you Scott IngallsOur local Rotarian Scott Ingalls is moving to Prosper to work in the Planning Department at the City of Prosper. We are sad to see him leave as he has been very involved with our Rotary Club. Scott has assisted us with our flag program, speaker schedules, Bike Giveaway, Bearcat Bash, Dictionaries to 3rd Graders, Senior Scholarships and has always been willing to help in any way for our programs. Tuesday, May 9th was his last meeting with us. He will be missed but we wish him well at his new position. Thank you, Scott Ingalls for all of your contributions to the Lake Ray Roberts Rotary Club and our community! ![]() |
Bearcat Bash at Pilot Point Middle SchoolThe Lake Ray Roberts Rotary club supports the Pilot Point Middle School by providing a drawing of five gift cards for PPMS students. All students with perfect attendance for the six-week grading period, have their names entered into the drawing. Members of the Lake Ray Roberts Rotary club drew five names of PPMS students for the fifth six weeks. Each student received a $10 PizzaHut gift card. Congratulations to these winners! ![]() |
Bike Giveway- 5th Six WeeksMembers of the Lake Ray Roberts Rotary club were present for the Bike Giveaway at the Pilot Point Elementary school for the 5th SixWeeks. This year the Lake Ray Roberts Rotary Club is supporting the Pilot Point Elementary School with a drawing every 6 weeks for students with perfect attendance to receive a free bicycle, one boy and one girl. The Lake Ray Roberts Rotary Club and Wal-Mart Crossroads is sponsoring this program. The fifth six weeks bicycle drawing winners were: Erik Martinez- 1st grade and Elle Harrington Kindergarten Congratulations! Keep up the perfect attendance! This was our final Bike Giveaway for this school year. We thank Wal-Mart for their support for this program. ![]() |
Teachers/Staff of the MonthThis year the Lake Ray Roberts Rotary Club is honoring the Pilot Point ISD Teacher/Staff of the month. Each month the Pilot Point ISD selects Teachers or Staff that have gone above and beyond to assist the school district in its pursuit of excellence. The Rotary Club is now honoring those selected with a meal and certificate. For the month of April, the teachers/staff of the month were Sherri Woodall and Marlene Walker from Selz Middle School. Congratulations! We appreciate your work in the Pilot Point schools.
April and May Seniors of the MonthWe enjoyed having our April and May Rotary Seniors of the month as our guests Tuesday, April 11th, at our weekly meeting. Each year, in May, the Lake Ray Roberts Rotary club will select two Pilot Point High School Seniors to receive a $1,500 scholarship. Each month two seniors are selected from Pilot Point High School as the Seniors of the month. We combined the May seniors of the month with April so that there would be enough time for each student to present prior to our selection of the scholarship recipients. Each senior shared a bit about who they were, what their school activities are and their plans for the future. It is always a delight for our club to hear from these outstanding seniors each month. Congratulations to Jordan Elmiger and Kaitlin Dane April Seniors of the Month and to Chris Trejo and Jordan David Seniors of the Month for May!
March Rotary SeniorsWe enjoyed having our March Rotary Seniors of the month as our guests Tuesday, March 21st, at our weekly meeting. Each year, in May, the Lake Ray Roberts Rotary club will select two Pilot Point High School Seniors to receive a $1,500 scholarship. Each month two seniors are selected from Pilot Point High School as the Seniors of the month. Each senior shared a bit about who they were, what their school activities are and their plans for the future. It is always a delight for our club to hear from these outstanding seniors each month. Congratulations to Mercedez Lane and Kyle Roth! ![]() |
Honoring our Local First RespondersThe Lake Ray Roberts Rotary Club has been honoring local First Responders in our area this year. The first responders are selected by their departments. The Lake Ray Roberts Rotary Club honored Tioga Police Department officer Jamie Skaggs and Tioga Fire Department firefighter Richard Hartman III as the Police Officer and Firefighter of the Month at the March 14 meeting. Hartman is standing with Tioga Fire Assistant Chief Elvin Fisk and Skaggs is standing with Tioga Police Chief Curtis Macomb. ![]() ![]() |
Bike Giveaway-4th Six WeeksLast Friday, members of the Lake Ray Roberts Rotary club were present for the Bike Giveaway at the Pilot Point Elementary school. This year the Lake Ray Roberts Rotary Club is supporting the Pilot Point Elementary School with a drawing every 6 weeks for students with perfect attendance to receive a free bicycle, one boy and one girl. The Lake Ray Roberts Rotary Club and Wal-Mart Crossroads is sponsoring this program. The third six weeks bicycle drawing winners were: Alexander Torres and Sarah Roberts Congratulations! Keep up the perfect attendance!
February Rotary Seniors![]() |
February Teacher/Staff of the Month
This year the Lake Ray Roberts Rotary Club is honoring the Pilot Point ISD Teacher/Staff of the month. Each month the Pilot Point ISD selects Teachers or Staff that have gone above and beyond to assist the school district in its pursuit of excellence. The Rotary Club is now honoring those selected with a meal and certificate. For the month of February, the teachers/staff of the month were Hannah Lindsay, a chemistry teacher at Pilot Point High School and Debra Beathard, a teacher's aide at the Pilot Point Middle School. Debra was unable to attend our meeting. Congratulations! We appreciate your work in the Pilot Point schools. |
Lake Ray Roberts Rotary presents at the Pilot Point Chamber GalaSaturday night the Lake Ray Roberts Rotary Club presented awards for the Pilot Point Officer of the Year, Reserve Officer of the Year, and Firefighter of the Year. Congratulations to Chase Raines- Officer of the Year; George Toon,-Reserve Officer of the Year; and Todd Rimling- Firefighter of the Year!
Honoring our Pilot Point First RespondersThe Lake Ray Roberts Rotary Club has been honoring local First Responders in our area this year. Tuesday at our regular meeting we honored two first responders from the City of Pilot Point. The first responders are selected by their departments. Presenting the certificates were City of Pilot Point Fire Chief, Heath Hudson and City of Pilot Point Police Chief, Ric Sadler. Congratulations to our Firefighter of the Month, Bryan Cox and to our Police Officer of the Month, Barry Pennell. We thank them both for their service to our community.
January Rotary SeniorsWe enjoyed having our January Rotary Seniors of the month as our guests yesterday at our weekly meeting. Each year, in May, the Lake Ray Roberts Rotary club will select two Pilot Point High School Seniors to receive a $1,500 scholarship. Each month two seniors are selected from Pilot Point High School as the Seniors of the month. Each senior shared a bit about who they were, what their school activities are and their plans for the future. It is always a delight for our club to hear from these outstanding seniors each month. Congratulations to Maralee Edmonds and Daniel Simmons!
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January Teacher/Staff of the MonthThe Lake Ray Roberts Rotary Club is honoring the Pilot Point ISD Teacher/Staff of the month. Each month the Pilot Point ISD selects Teachers or Staff that have gone above and beyond to assist the school district in its pursuit of excellence. The Rotary Club is now honoring those selected with a meal and certificate. For the month of January, the teachers/staff of the month were Nancy White, dyslexia therapist and Sherri Boerner, special eduation at Pilot Point Intermediate School. Congratulations! We appreciate your work in the Pilot Point schools.
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Bearcat Bash at the Pilot Point Middle SchoolThe Lake Ray Roberts Rotary club supports the Pilot Point Middle School by providing a drawing of five gift cards for PPMS students. All students with perfect attendance for the six-week grading period, have their names entered into the drawing. Last Friday, members of the Lake Ray Roberts Rotary club drew five names of PPMS students for the third six weeks. Each student received a $10 PizzaHut gift card. Congratulations to these winners!
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Bike Giveaway- Third Six WeeksThis past Friday, members of the Lake Ray Roberts Rotary club were present for the Bike Giveaway at the Pilot Point Elementary school. This year the Lake Ray Roberts Rotary Club is supporting the Pilot Point Elementary School with a drawing every 6 weeks for students with perfect attendance to receive a free bicycle, one boy and one girl. The Lake Ray Roberts Rotary Club and Wal-Mart Crossroads is sponsoring this program. The third six weeks bicycle drawing winners were:
Xavier Leal- Kindergartener
Maria Juarez- Second Grader
Congratulations! Keep up the perfect attendance! ![]() ![]() |
December Rotary SeniorsWe enjoyed having our December Rotary Seniors of the month as our guests Tuesday at our weekly meeting. Each year, in May, the Lake Ray Roberts Rotary club will select two Pilot Point High School Seniors to receive a $1,500 scholarship. Each month two seniors are selected from Pilot Point High School as the Seniors of the month. Each senior shared a bit about who they were, what their school activities are and what their plans for the future are. It is always a delight for our club to hear from these outstanding seniors each month. Congratulations to Kat Singleton and Sean Hamill!
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December Teacher/Staff of the MonthThe Lake Ray Roberts Rotary Club is honoring the Pilot Point ISD Teacher/Staff of the month. Each month the Pilot Point ISD selects Teachers or Staff that have gone above and beyond to assist the school district in its pursuit of excellence. The Rotary Club is now honoring those selected with a meal and certificate. For the month of November, the teachers/staff of the month were Susan Roth and Beth Hale. Susan is a Pilot Point Middle School teacher of Robotics, Video Production and Yearbook. Beth Hale is the Pilot Point Middle School Secretary. Congratulations! We appreciate your work in the Pilot Point schools.
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Dictionary Program The Lake Ray Roberts Rotary Club presents dictionaries to the 3rd grade students at Pilot Point and Tioga Schools. The dictionaries are free to the students and they are their own to take home and use. We presented the dictionaries to the students at Pilot Point Intermediate this past Tuesday. Our rotary club has joined in The Dictionary Project ( The goal of The Dictionary Project is to ensure that everyone will be able to enjoy the benefits of owning a dictionary. Dictionaries are presented at third grade as educators have identified it as the dividing line between learning to read and reading to learn. It a joy to see the kids faces as they receive their dictionaries and write their name in them. Some of the comments from the students were " This is like Christmas" and " I will cherish this forever"
Enjoy your dictionaries and enjoy the gift of learning!
Honoring Our Local First RespondersThe Lake Ray Roberts Rotary Club has been honoring local First Responders in our area this year. Yesterday at our regular meeting we honored two first responders from the Oak Point Department of Public Safety. We were pleased to have as our guests, Brent Hubert and Josh Yates. Brent Hubert is our Firefighter of the Month and Josh Yates is our Police Officer of the Month. We thank them both for their service. We were also delighted to have Officer Yates' wife and baby daughter with us.
Bike GiveawayThis year the Lake Ray Roberts Rotary Club is supporting the Pilot Point Elementary School with a drawing every 6 weeks for students with perfect attendance to receive a free bicycle, one boy and one girl. The Lake Ray Roberts Rotary Club and Wal-Mart Crossroads is sponsoring this program. The second six weeks drawing winners were:
Girl—Kenlly Aquirre Boy-Alexander Ascensio Congratulations! Keep up the perfect attendance!
November Teachers/Staff of the MonthThe Lake Ray Roberts Rotary Club is now honoring the Pilot Point ISD Teacher/Staff of the month. Each month the Pilot Point ISD selects Teachers or Staff that have gone above and beyond to assist the school district in its pursuit of excellence. The Rotary Club is now honoring those selected with a meal and certificate. For the month of November, the teachers/staff of the month were Barbie Pope, Pilot Point Elementary Librarian and LaTisha Marick, Instructional Coach at Pilot Point High School and Pilot Point Middle School. Congratulations to these teachers! We appreciate your work in the Pilot Point schools!
November Seniors of the MonthWe enjoyed having our November Rotary Seniors of the month as our guests Tuesday at our weekly meeting. Each year, in May, the Lake Ray Roberts Rotary club will select two Pilot Point High School Seniors to receive a $1,500 scholarship. Each month two seniors are selected from Pilot Point High School as the Seniors of the month. Each senior shared a bit about who they were, what their school activities are and what their plans for the future are. It is always a delight for our club to hear from these outstanding seniors each month. Congratulations to John James (JJ) Kulesz and Jessica Schmidt!
Lake Ray Roberts Rotary Club Meets at New LocationThe Lake Ray Roberts Rotary Club met today at the Whistle Post Brewery located at 219 W Division Street, Pilot Point, TX. This is the club's new meeting location. The club will have different local restaurants to cater lunch. The guest speaker was Pilot Point ISD Athletic Director Robert Best. The Lake Ray Roberts Rotary Club meets weekly at noon on Tuesdays. The club serves the communities of Pilot Point, Tioga, Aubrey and areas around Lake Ray Roberts.
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Passing the Gavel"Passing the Gavel" Today we installed our new Lake Ray Roberts Rotary Club President, John Dean as Dick Bullwinkle passes the gavel. Dick Bullwinkle will be our Immediate Past-President as we begin our new Rotary Year 2016-2017. Our other offices for the new year remain unchanged. Current 2016-2017 Lake Ray Roberts Rotary Club officers are:
John Dean- President
Shawn Dollar- President-Elect
Lenette Cox- Secretary Don Richmond- Treasurer Dick Bullwinkle- Immediate Past President
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Show Your Colors on the Square for 2016 |
2016 Flag Program Off and FlyingLake Ray Roberts Rotary Club 2016 Flag Program Off & Flying![]() ![]() Your support of our flag program helps us with the following:
Senior Scholarships Shepherd’s Storehouse School Supplies Dictionaries for Pilot Point & Tioga 3rd Graders National Night Out Pilot Point Angel Tree Rotary Youth Leadership Awards International Polio Drive Community needs as they arise
![]() You may have also noticed we have
new shirts so you can see a "Rotarian At Work"!
We Thank You For Your Support & For
Showing Your Colors!
May Rotary Seniors![]() The Lake Ray Roberts Rotary Club enjoyed having our final Rotary Seniors today as our guests. Congratulations to Madison Hokit and Ashton Malone for being selected as our May Rotary Seniors. Madison and Ashton are our final seniors for this year to be eligible for our Lake Ray Roberts Rotary Club Scholarships. There have been 2 seniors selected each month from September to May. These seniors are eligible for the scholarships which will be awarded at the Pilot Point High School Rose Cutting Ceremony. Madison and Ashton did a great job sharing with us today and both have bright futures ahead of them. Again, congratulations to Pilot Point seniors, Madison Hokit and Ashton Malone!
April Rotary SeniorsThe Lake Ray Roberts Rotary club enjoyed having our April Rotary Seniors as our guests yesterday. For the month of April the seniors selected were Reagan Haughton and Alexis Lynch. Reagan and Alexis both did a great job sharing with us about their current activities at Pilot Point High School and their plans for the future. Both will be eligible for the Lake Ray Roberts Rotary Club Senior Scholarship presented at the Rose Cutting Ceremony at Pilot Point High School. Thank you Reagan and Alexis for visiting and presenting at our club meeting and congratulations!
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Lake Ray Roberts Rotary Club Volunteers at KPPB Trash OffThe Lake Ray Roberts Rotary Club volunteered this past weekend at the Keep Pilot Point Beautiful Trash Off. A team of Rotarians volunteered their time this weekend to pick up trash in Pilot Point. Our team picked up trash along US Hwy 377. The Trash Off involved several different groups of people in our community working together picking up trash in Pilot Point. Also included in the Trash Off were recycling of electronics, tires, batteries, oil, and old prescription drugs. This is a wonderful event the Keep Pilot Point Beautiful hosts. We are proud to be able to assist our community in Keeping Pilot Point Beautiful!
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March Rotary SeniorsWe were honored to have our March Rotary Seniors with us at our meeting this week. Congratulations to Lake Ray Roberts Rotary Seniors for the month of March, Leah Henson & Austin Garcia. Both seniors attend Pilot Point High School and shared with us about their activities and plans for the future. These students will be eligible for the Rotary Scholarships awarded at the end of the year at Rose Cutting. Again congratulations to our March Rotary Seniors, Leah Henson & Austin Garcia!
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February Rotary SeniorsFebruary Rotary Seniors![]() |
2015 Recap2015 Recap-
The Lake Ray Roberts Rotary Club had a fantastic year and it is always good to take a look back to see what we accomplished as we begin our new year. We would like to share with you a recap of our 2015.
Support of the Pilot Point Middle School |
January Rotary SeniorsAt today's meeting we were honored to have three Rotary Seniors as our guests. Daisy Villareal is our other December Rotary Senior and was unable attend earlier thus she joined us today. We also had our January Rotary Seniors, Carly Carroll and Lindsay Smith. All three students did well speaking with us. They each shared with us their current activities as well as their future plans. Great job ladies and congratulations!
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December Rotary Senior![]() We enjoyed having our December Rotary Senior with us at our meeting today. The December Rotary Seniors had to be moved today due to scheduling conflicts for the month of December. The senior selected for the month of December is Paige Klohn. Paige did a great job speaking to us today sharing her activities, interests and her plans for the future. Paige will be eligible for the Rotary Scholarship awarded at the end of the year at Rose Cutting. Congratulations to Paige Klohn for being our Rotary Senior for December!
Dictionaries to 3rd Grade StudentsDictionaries to 3rd Graders![]() |
Show Your Colors Flag Program 2015Our 2015 Flag Program has now ended for this year. Our Flag Program consists of flying flags on the following days: Memorial Day, June 14th (Flag Day), Fourth of July, Labor Day, September 11th, Columbus Day and Veterans Day. We ended this year with Veterans Day last week. We have several different teams of Rotary Club Members that put out the flags and pick them up. This year we set out and picked up 262 flags on our special days. Most of the flags are inside the city limits of Pilot Point. There are 32 flags in Timberlake, 25 flags in Butterfield Junction, and 18 flags in the Yellow Rose addition. We also put out 8 flags in the Aubrey area on the north side of Aubrey. The flag program helps funds our Lake Ray Roberts Rotary Club programs: Senior Scholarships, the Shepherd’s Storehouse,School Supplies, Dictionaries for Pilot Point and Tioga 3rd Graders, PilotPoint Education Foundation, Special recognition for scholastic achievers in Pilot Point ISD, National Night Out, Pilot Point Angel Tree, Rotary Youth Leadership Awards, International Polio Drive and other community needs as they arise. We thank those that were a part of our 2015 Show Your Colors Flag Program! We hope you loved seeing the flags waving on each special day. We will begin accepting applications for next year's flag program in March 2016 so be looking to sign up! ![]() ![]() |
November Rotary Seniors![]() We enjoyed having our November Rotary Seniors with us at our Tuesday meeting. The seniors selected for the month of November are Mariah Pallister and Sarah McCormick. These ladies did a great job speaking to us today sharing their activities and their plans for the future. These seniors will be eligible for the Rotary Scholarship awarded at the end of the year at Rose Cutting. Congratulations to Mariah and Sarah for being our Rotary Seniors for November!
October Rotary Seniors![]() We enjoyed having our October Rotary Seniors with us at our meeting yesterday. The Rotary Seniors for this month are Cade Edland and Briana Sowers. Both of these students are very involved in Pilot Point High School. They both did a great job sharing with us their current activities and accomplishments as well as their plans for the future. These seniors will be eligible for our Rotary Scholarship presented at the Rose Cutting. Congratulations Cade and Briana for being selected as the Rotary Seniors for October!
September Rotary Seniors![]() |
District Governor's Blog![]() At Lake Ray Roberts Club today. They meet at a very unique and great home cooking restaurant Bebos amd Kathy's just south of Pilot Point. I would strongly recommend you put this on your make up list. IN addition to great food they have a very relaxed atmosphere and are doing things in the community. They are strategizing on how to reach out to the other communities in the area to join Lake Ray Roberts and be a gift to the world.
You can read his full Blog Here:
New Meeting Location |
Lake Ray Roberts Facebook PageWe are happy to announce that we now have a Facebook Page. Our page has weekly updates regarding our meetings, speakers, and upcoming events from our club. There are also links to our website and contact information if anyone has questions regarding our club. We think this is a great way to promote what we do at the Lake Ray Roberts Club. Please like and share our Facebook Page! Here is a link to the the page:
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Adopt a Highway
Next Highway Clean-up June 12th
Flags for Memorial Day
Volunteer in the Flags Project
Field Trip May 25 2010
Meeting Venue Change
Calendar Updates
KidFish and Blood Drive
Venue Change
The Lake Ray Roberts Club meetings venue will change effective February 16, 2010 to NorthStar Bank, 500 US Hwy 377, Pilot Point, TX. The day/time are unaffected by this change. We meet on Tuesdays at noon.
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No need to worry. ClubRunner secures all your private information using the latest security technologies.